Baking time, huh? Alright, I’m down.
Now as much as I wish that I won the lottery a few years ago and have all the money in the world…I don’t. So even if I wanted to buy every last baking-related item on the registry…I can’t. Taking into consideration how much I’m already spending on the wedding (travel costs to come to the shower, bachelorette & wedding, bridesmaid dress cost, etc) I know I need to budget this one.
The soon to be newly weds are registered at Crate & Barrel and Target. Since there isn’t a Crate & Barrel close by to me anymore, I narrowed it down to Target. Using my extensive married knowledge (ha! of 10 months that is!), I quickly narrowed it down to these mixing bowls:
$24.99 at Target
And these measuring cups
I’m not saying hubby and I bake a lot (although I did just make some pretty fabulous brownies this week!) but we do use our mixing bowls and measuring cups a ton. I really wanted to put some sort of spatula or whisk with it but they were registered for a whisk at Crate & Barrel…and I * do * try to stick to the registry when given one and I wasn’t willing to spend shipping & handling on a $4.95 item. Ya know?
Luckily when we were in Richmond last weekend for my BF’s wedding, there was a Crate & Barrel not far from the hotel. My fabulous mother volunteered to run down and pick it up for me (I’m sure it had nothing to do with her curiosity of Short Pump).
$4.95 at Crate & Barrel
Hooray! A nice array of baking goodies. I’m not quite done though!
Once we got back home, I headed out to our local Dollar General store (I used to work for Family Dollar’s home office, oops, don’t tell I went to DG!). I found this pretty little basket…
If my future sis-in-law doesn’t want it, I’ll take it!
One last obvious addition to make this the perfect gift…
A box of brownie mix to get started with! (Also purchased at DG - their bakery section is becoming impressive).
I did question my brownie mix decision though…I’m considering switching it out with…
Red Velvet Cake Mix - since that’s my mother’s favorite dessert and all. What better way to start off a marriage than baking a cake for your new mother in law, right?
But anyways, I'm pretty happy with the final product. I'm probably going to add some tissue paper or something to fill it in a little but everything fit beautifully!
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