It was my first Christmas with my now-husband. Well, technically our second but our first Christmas we were too “new” to really celebrate Christmas. We were both still in college in North Carolina, about to go home to our respective states – me to Virginia, him to Maryland.
I was freaking out.
Here was this guy that I really, really liked. I REALLY wanted to impress him with an awesome first Christmas gift. The problem was…this guy had everything.
If he saw something he really wanted or needed, he got it. He might wait a day or week or two, but if it was something he really wanted, he didn’t wait for anyone to get it for him. He just got it himself.
Great. This guy I might be spending the next 50 Christmases with is one of “those” – one of those guys who has EVERYTHING.
I figured out quickly that I was going to have to think outside the box with this kid. My thought process turned into, “What’s something he would love to have but hasn’t thought of yet?”
My first ideas are usually sports related. Who are his favorite teams? Does he have 50 t-shirts but no sweatshirts? Would he go crazy for a Maryland Terrapin trash can (for the record, he bought that one on his own)? I googled around for awhile until I found the gift that would kill three birds with one stone.
Brad loved Maryland.
My brother and Dad loved Duke. Anyone following me yet?
You forget, I was in ACC Basketball country.
I’m going to go ahead and put it out there that I am, by all accounts, a Virginia Tech fan. If you live in North Carolina you are a diehard fan of Duke, North Carolina or NC State. Anyone else and you just don’t count which usually keeps you out of plenty of heated arguments. That being said…NC State was the least…desired…tickets of the colleges in NC. They had this nifty little packaged deal where I could get 2 tickets for 4 games: NC State vs. Duke, vs. Maryland, vs. Wake Forest…and to be perfectly honest I don’t even remember who the 4th game was for.
Anyways, basketball tickets, baseball tickets…whatever kind of sports team the man in your life loves…make great gifts. Even if they love top tiered teams – those teams always play lower tier teams. If you can find tickets at one of those games, not only will you save a few bucks, but you’ll be the handful of fans in your color and most likely watch your team pull out the win! (Ours unfortunately didn’t win that time, but at least both teams were red so we didn’t stand out too much haha).
GO DUKE!!!!! :D