I meant to jump on board and update all through Thanksgiving to show my newfound commitment to this blog…but hubby wound up with pneumonia so that kind of altered a lot of my plans. Pneumonia is not cool, by the way, not cool at all.
Moving on…
It’s always fun to give a gift that you know your recipient will enjoy. Bonus points when the gift revolves around a hobby or favorite activity of the recipient. Major extra credit points? When it’s something you and your recipient BOTH enjoy!
My best friend and I trade ornaments each year for Christmas. Nothing extravagant, just something small and meaningful. A few years ago, we had been hot and heavy into Scrabble on Facebook. Since she lived in Richmond and I lived in Charlotte, it was a fun way to keep in touch while playing one of our favorite games. So I got a great idea…
A scrabble tile ornament!
Granted, you could probably make something similar pretty easily…but I didn’t want to buy a whole game just for the tiles. Can you buy just the tiles? Something to look into…
Anyways, it’s only $7.95 and you can find it here. It’s out of stock now but just google “Scrabble ornaments” and you can get a few more choices than you could when I was looking.
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